Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Time for Jellybeans

My post for the Wednesday prompt at Just a Little Place to Write

     Jellybeans! The multicolored assorted tiny bean shaped confectionery? How I eyed them greedily in the comic books as a child! I felt I was being denied the ultimate goodie as they were not available in our country then. The very word ‘jelly bean’ has a sweet musical lilt to it, is’nt it? I even wished my Tooth Fairy placed some jelly beans under my pillow in exchange for my tooth!

  However, time flew and jelly beans were shoved behind my mind .I have passed middle age and now all of a sudden I’m greedy again for Jelly Beans! Yes, you guessed it! Google’s latest Android OS Jelly Bean for smart phones and tablets! I’m finally going to have Jellybeans! :) 


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